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coaching vs. consultancy

Leadership coaching versus leadership consultancy

By TPC Leadership | July 23, 2019

In this blog, TPC Leadership’s Founder Charles Brook explores the differences between leadership coaching and leadership consultancy and when you might need each or indeed both. What kind of change …

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How to run better meetings

Better meetings start with questions, not agendas

By TPC Leadership | July 19, 2019

In our latest blog Vicky Ferrier, TPC Leadership, explores the reasons why meetings sometimes go awry and the steps we can take to run better more productive meetings. May I …

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Team vs group coaching

How is Team Coaching different from Group Coaching?

By TPC Leadership | July 10, 2019

“What is the difference between Team Coaching and Group Coaching?” HR Directors and professionals, like many students of our courses, get often confused by this subtle difference. This confusion may …

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reverse mentoring

Reverse Mentoring: Does it bridge the divide?

By TPC Leadership | January 23, 2019

In an age of echo chambers and generational divide, reverse mentoring strides onto the scene, turning over hierarchies and proclaiming new strategies. The evolution of an idea A term first …

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choosing a coach

15 signs a coach can deliver what they claim

By TPC Leadership | September 14, 2018

In theory the first sign should be a qualification. ICF, EMCC, ILM and the Association for Coaching are the main accrediting bodies for leadership coaches. They all exist to uphold …

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Active Listening

Active Listening: how often as coaches and leaders do we reflect on our listening skills?

By TPC Leadership | June 18, 2016

The term listening and especially active listening can easily be bandied about without consideration of the actual ingredients, let alone the complexities of delivering it consistently within the coaching environment. …

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Presence in coaching

What is ‘presence’ in coaching?

By TPC Leadership | May 28, 2016

In this blog post, we define the term ‘coaching presence’ and share some of our research on presence with a view to enhancing your knowledge of the area. We also …

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team leadership

Small team leadership: the forgotten art?

By TPC Leadership | September 23, 2014

Blog post by David Webster from The Centre for Teams If the 2007/8 crash taught us anything, it was that small groups of people can have a huge impact on others. …

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leadership in complexity, ambiguity and uncertainty

Leadership in complexity, ambiguity and uncertainty – agile leadership

By TPC Leadership | September 23, 2013

Agile/agile leadership is important in today’s organisations as we no longer live or work in a stable environment where best practice delivers the best results. Instead we live in an …

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